Your First Four Visits

Day One   |   Day Two   |   Day Three   |   Day Four   |   What Next?

Day One

Your first visit is our information gathering day. This visit includes the new patient paperwork (which can be printed from our website and completed at home if you wish), a consultation with the doctor to discuss your health concerns, examinations, and any necessary x-rays. This information is then reviewed by the team of doctors to lay out a plan to get you back to health.

High speed x-ray film, modern technology, and x-ray techniques are utilized to reduce x-ray exposure to the patient. The x-rays are beneficial to help us determine the best approach to your care, and to assess the severity of your condition.

Typically no treatment is performed on your first visit. This gives the doctors sufficient time to analyze the information from the exams to make the best decisions regarding your care.

This visit typically lasts an hour.


Day Two

Your second visit begins with your Report of Findings. This is where we sit down with you to discuss the results of your exams and the x-rays of the primary area of complaint. In this meeting, we will also cover insurance benefits and the role insurance plays in your care. After the Report of Findings you will begin your chiropractic care.

This visit typically lasts 45 minutes.


Day Three

Your third visit includes a brief consultation with our case manager to discuss your first adjustment and address any questions that may have arisen. You will get adjusted on this visit as well.

The first two adjustments are used to help the Doctor of Chiropractic gauge how your body is going to respond to the adjustments. We have a variety of adjusting techniques available, and we want to make sure we are taking the best approach for you.

This visit typically lasts 15-30 minutes.


Day Four

Your fourth visit begins with a consultation with the case manager to review your entire set of x-rays. This will allow you to see the big picture of what is going on beneath the surface and how it is impacting your health. We will discuss how you responded to the first two adjustments, and lay out the plan to get you back to the better, healthier version of yourself. A series of adjustments is typically recommended to get you beyond the pain so you can experience a better quality of life.

Our plans are based on our years of clinical experience. We consider our objective exam findings, your subjective complaints, and our history of success with patients with similar issues. But we acknowledge that each patient is a unique individual, and that we all may respond differently. Because of this, we continue to monitor your progress with re-exams to make sure the plan in place is right for you.

This visit typically lasts an hour.


What Next?

Once you have completed the first four visits, your chiropractic visits become more routine, with less time needed for explanation and education. You will find that a typical adjustment visit will usually take between five and 20 minutes, depending on what services are being provided on that visit.


Midlands Health Center